Design with Embedded Operating Systems
Course Director
Joseph F. Skovira
Office Hours and Location
Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 – 3:30PM or by appointment
office: 211 Phillips Hall
Course Times
Lecture: MWF 1:25-2:15PM; Labs: Tuesday or Thursday 1:30-3:30PM
Course Description
Design of microcontroller based systems using embedded Linux. Student teams design and debug example solutions on a target microcontroller (for example, Raspberry Pi) during lab sessions. Emphasis will be on application and Linux programming skills, microcontroller systems, and discussion of external hardware. Students create a final, end-of-semester project using the microcontroller platform and development techniques discussed during the semester. What you will learn in this course:
- Understand components of Embedded Linux
- Be able to program applications in Python or C using features available in the embedded Linux environment
- Design applications using hardware externally connected to an embedded Linux system
- Working knowledge of the Raspberry Pi platform and ARM processor family
- How to design a basic embedded system using the Raspberry Pi
Required Materials
Raspberry Pi Kit: Raspberry Pi model 2; Power supply; SD card; Case
Optional: TFT Display; WiFi module
Required readings will be posted on the Blackboard site.
Course Information
Please check the ECE 5990 site on Blackboard daily. Office hour schedules, course announcements, reading assignments, quizzes, information about the course project, and extra materials will all be distributed via the website. A link for the Cornell blackboard site is given below.
There will be four homework assignments which will due before each lab session. Homework will be due within the first five minutes of the first week’s lab
session. Homework will be based on the readings and be directed at preparations for the upcoming lab session. Homework is considered late if handed in after the 5-minute window. Late homework receives no credit.
There will be four, two week labs each extending over two consecutive lab sessions.
- Lab Demos will be due in the second lab period.
- Lab reports for completed labs will be due within the first 5 minutes of the next lab session
All homework and lab grades will be posted to Blackboard.